Fate of Ceramics


Year: 2020

Dimensions: 25 x 32 x 20 inches

Medium: spackling, acrylic paint, paper mache, ceramics, copper wire, yarn, traditional Chinese new year ornaments

The zigzagged relationship between aesthetic and violence has always been a subject of the art throughout history. I am interested in investigating that in the context of personhood and racial identity. I’ve been trying to manifest the duality of immateriality and corporeality in my work. Talking about my asiatic femininity in America made me hyper aware of my role as an Asian woman under the global context, but also realising the embodiment that embodiment that was put upon us due to western influences from the Silk Road to modern day Hollywood. It is almost pointless to make the distinction between different countries when we all experiences the same reality of consumption.


No Blasphemy In This House


A Very Tired Wishing Tree